Truths and myths about the human papillomavirus

human papillomavirus

HPV, or human papillomavirus, is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases of the 21st century. It is easy to take and impossible to cure. Sound scary? We answer the most popular questions about this infection in our material!

What kind of virus is this? New;

HPV is actually as old as the world. It is the one that causes the appearance of warts, papillomas, genital warts and other skin formations.

These viruses were grouped together in 1971. The number of HPV types detected is about 600. It is possible that there are in fact many more. The only crucial difference between these two is that some of them are low risk onco, others are high risk onco. In modern medical practice, it is not common to check the presence of all 600 types, the main thing is to find out if a person is a carrier of 16 strains, 14 of which cause precancerous conditions: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68. The rest - 6 and 11 - are responsible for the formation of genital warts, which must also be treated. The virus is especially dangerous for women, as it can cause cervical cancer. However, men are also at risk: genital cancer often develops from the destructive effects of HPV inside cells.

How is it transmitted?

Sexual and domestic routes. And yet, sexual transmission is the most common. The chance that a woman will become infected during the first years of sexual activity is over 50%. The surest way to avoid HPV is to avoid casual unprotected sex and use a condom. However, even a condom does not provide one hundred percent protection, as HPV is transmitted through contact with the mucous membranes: through kissing, contact during foreplay and oral sex.

The chance of contraction increases positively with the number of sexual partners: the more active you are sexually, the more likely you are to become infected with HPV. Household transmission is also possible: when you use someone else's towel or razor.

If your partner is infected with a virus, then there is a good chance you have it too. Men with HPV develop genital warts and flat warts on both the penis and groin. If you suddenly notice strange skin growths, tell your friend right away and get the right test.

How do I know if I have HPV?

The easiest way is to get a gynecological smear for HPV and cytology. As we have already noted, only 16 strains of the virus are tested. You may suspect that you have the 6th or 11th strain without tests: if you or your partner have papillomas or genital warts, then you are probably a carrier of the papilloma virus and tests will confirm it.

For high-risk oncogenic viruses, they do not manifest and are difficult to visually determine in the body - cytology analysis, cervical colposcopy and HPV tests are required. Due to the asymptomatic course of the disease, high-risk oncogenic strains are particularly dangerous for women who do not undergo the annual PAP (cytological analysis) by a gynecologist. The course of the disease is asymptomatic and at the moment HPV is integrated into the cell and changes its structure, turning it into a malignant one. Malignant cells help identify a cytological analysis, which is performed at a regular examination by a gynecologist once every six months or a year. By the way, it is better not to miss them, especially those with HPV.

If I have HPV, do I have cancer?

Do not ride your horses. As we have already said, during their lifetime more than 80% of women on the planet have time to get HPV. Obviously, not everyone has developed cervical cancer. It takes a long time from HPV infection to the development of precancerous disease. See an annual scheduled check-up with a gynecologist, get tested early and then your doctor will diagnose the presence of HPV and the first malignant changes in the cells long before the cancer develops.

Even if you have found one or more of the 14 very oncogenic types of the virus, the cytological analysis does not necessarily show the presence of malignant cells. At a young age, with good immunity, cells with signs of malignancy are rarely found on the PAP test, so exhale, calm down and read.

Treating HPV;

"If HPV is so dangerous, then it needs to be treated urgently! " - this thought may have occurred to you. Unfortunately, so far the drug has not found any way or drug that will help get rid of HPV once and for all. However, with immunoregulatory therapy and proper lifestyle, you can achieve long-term remission and stop the destructive effects of the virus.

HPV treatment should be comprehensive. In the presence of genital warts and genital warts, they should be removed by one of the following methods: surgery, radio knife, laser or cryodegradation.

Can not warts be removed?

No, you can not: the virus accumulates and lives in these tumors, which means that subsequent treatment becomes less effective. In addition, it is difficult to leave them: unpleasant sensations are likely to occur during sex, not to mention the fact that such a cosmetic defect will negatively affect your self-esteem, self-confidence and, consequently, your relationship with your partner. your.

Can they go it alone?

But this scenario is quite possible: boosting immunity, healthy lifestyle, stopping bad habits and daily use of topical antiviral agents (ointments or sprays) - a set of these measures can make the warts disappear.

However, there is good news: HPV may not be treated, but in most cases it goes away on its own, losing an unequal battle due to strong immunity. This happens within two years of infection and in a young, strong organism, the process naturally goes faster.

Can it be re-infected by a sexual partner?

How! Warts that you removed earlier may also reappear. If your husband is infected and has the external manifestations of the virus - genital warts - there is a good chance he will become infected again. All sexually transmitted infections, without exception, must be treated by both partners: use barrier protection methods, remove HPV-induced tumors, maintain strong immunity, and perform appropriate treatment.

If you have HPV, do not hide it from your partner. Complex therapy may not be needed, but immunomodulatory therapy will only benefit.

If you suspect HPV, we advise you not to panic and contact a specialist - obstetrician-gynecologist.